My+ hub® – integrating your crucial data

My+ hub® ensures secure up-to-date transfer of critical data needed to support healthcare decision-making. My+ hub® acts as a centralised national data transfer node. Our cost-effective solution enable reliable, secure and agile data transfer, making the old-fashioned and costly individual data transfer integrations between laboratories redundant. Integrate your organization into a nationwide healthcare data transfer hub and expand your organization’s communication capabilities. Laboratories collaborate in a variety of ways with other laboratories. For example, when acquiring special analytics from other laboratories, My+ hub® enables agile and secure data transfer between all actors already connected to the service.
Give us a call or send an email to connect your organization to My+ hub® service


Secure and effortless data transfer

We ensure a seamless and safe flow of information to clinicians, treatment units and other laboratories. Our system is reliable and optimized for rapid messaging. The option to encrypt individual messages adds to data security. My+ hub has adequate, secure server capacity for continuous messaging.

  • Basic infrastructure and service capacity
  • A single monitored data transfer connection, firewalls and other data security measures
  • No need for laborious point-to-point integrations

Successful connections with first-class integration know-how

My+ hub® optimizes and automates faultless information flow with secured system integration. System interfaces enable communication between independent information systems, which automates and enhances information flow.

  • Access to a national service hub
  • Easily expandable to include other network clients
  • Beneficial to all parties integrated in the network
  • Smooth gateway for laboratory analysis subcontracting

One connection with many

A single data communication link is enough to connect the information system to My+hub®, which offers national coverage.

The My+ hub ensures that referrals, test requests and results are seamlessly and cost-effectively transferred between healthcare providers, and then through to patients. Once the firewall has been opened, a data link to the new collaborative partner can be set cost-efficiently. You no longer need separate data links between every partner, since all laboratory requests, results, and any related patient information is conveyed through the My+ hub® between all parties linked to the system.

Makes encrypted connections available for all sizes

Mylab has implemented integration between the Mehiläinen Group, a social welfare and healthcare service provider, and a small Finnish diagnostics company, Zora Biosciences Oy. The connection was implemented using SSL technology, which is also used to encrypt online banking systems, for example.

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All these organizations are part of the My+ hub®

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